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What a Weed Tells You About Your Lawn

Common to the North Eastern United States 


Appearance: Long, serrated :lions tooth: leaves, which give the plant its name.  It has bright yellow flowers in early spring, and seed heads in a globe shape when it goes to seed.  Deep taproots making it difficult to de-root bare handed.

Indicates: Low calcium in soil, PH may be off balance, and or high potassium .

Remove: Adding calcium to balance soil ph, dig deep with utensil to de root.

Benefits: Brings calcium and other nutrients to the soil surface, early nectar source for bees.


Appearance: Unsightly stout sheaths and blades which branch upwards and out from a central root system.  Yellowish green which may turn bluish red in late summer season into the early fall.

Indicates: Soil compaction, low calcium, or high potassium.

Remove: Add calcium, compost tea or compost. Plug Aeration to relieve soil compaction.  Remove manually before seeds in the autumn.

Benefits: Erosion control


Appearance: Square stems with a long fuzzy serrated leaves structure.  Purple tubular flowers bloom just above the leaves in the late spring.

Indicates: Low calcium, humus (organic material) and thrives in a high moisture micro environment. 

Remove: Adding calcium to balance soil ph, organic compost, or pull by hand.


Appearance: Broad, oval shapped ribbed leaves.  Barley visible flowers rise from center of rosette in summer.  Seeds in autumn. Has a deep taproot.

Indicates: High calcium in soil, PH may be off balance, and or high potassium. High phosphorus.  Poor drainage, compact soil. Acidic soil may also be in indication dependant on geographic location.

Remove: Adding calcium to balance soil ph (NJ), dig deep with utensil to de root. Core aeration to relieve compaction in soil.

Benefits: Medicinal properties, Plantain is super antiseptic. This herb is a powerful remedy to reduce pains caused by poison ivy and bite stings.Use only if certain no chemical applications where made to plant 

Appearance: Spatula shaped leaves at plants base.  Daisy like white flowers with yellow centers from a tall stem

Indicates: Low calcium, nitrogen humus. PH off balance in soil and thrives in high moisture mic climates.

Removal:  Calcium lime, nitrogen and compost or compost tea.  Frequent mowing

Benefits: Aesthetically pleasing flowers. Mild insect repellent.

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